Varietal kinds of honey, like our Jamun honey, are unique premium quality honey because the honey bees have gathered nectar from one variety of flowersJamun. It is a single origin, unifloral honey.
It is sure to leave an ethereal impression with its raw flavour. These flavours are often lost due to processing in most commercial honey. But to experience these nuanced flavours as it washes your taste buds is exquisite. It is sweeter than sugar no doubt but can be taken by people with diabetes and PCOD. We have protected and kept safe all the nutritional benefits of this raw honey. It is organic, natural, unprocessed, unheated, unadulterated, and exactly how it is in the honeycombs. From the flowers of North India and Central India, Jamun honey has many health benefits.
Blessed with enzymes that help maintain blood sugar levels, Jamun honey is a boon for those careful about spiking levels. Jamun honey is like no other and you can truly appreciate its flavour with savoury food and salads. Enjoy its mature flavour and smooth thick texture. A spoonful of honey every day is recommended.